Urban Sensing and Ubiquitous Computing

Department of Informatics and Electronics

Urban Sensing and Ubiquitous Computing

  • (9) 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう

  • (11) 住み続けられるまちづくりを

  • (13) 気候変動に具体的な対策を


Research topics:
1. to consider the support of the creative social activities, which utilize networks, and the creation of new applications
2. to operate the network element, system technology and system development of various applications

Instructor / Laboratory
瀬崎 薫
西山 勇毅
田谷 昭仁
Event Room


Ew棟 6階:Ew601


Ew棟 6階:Ew601

Behavioral Change and WELL-BEING

Well-being is a concept that describes not only physical health but also mental and social well-being. We are working on a system to improve daily life and promote behavioral change by utilizing data on users and the surrounding environment sensed by smartphones and wearable devices.

Mobile and wearable sensing

Smartphones and smartwatches are equipped with a variety of sensors, including GPS, barometers, and accelerometers. Recently, the use of microphones and accelerometers in wireless earphones has also been attracting attention. We are studying to detect the user's behavior and mental state by utilizing the sensors in these devices that are carried or worn daily.

Spatial Information Analysis

In addition to mobile and wearable devices carried by people, automobiles will be equipped with a variety of sensors, such as cameras and radars. Bike-share bicycles will also be equipped with sensors to obtain environmental data at various locations. Data obtained from these different multiple locations is integrated to analyze information for the entire region.

Wireless Sensor Networks and Distributed Machine Learning

Data communication networks are needed to aggregate data collected by mobile devices, vehicles, and other devices at various locations. We are studying the improvement of communication control methods suitable for sensing and information analysis, and distributed machine learning on networks. We are also working on wireless sensing, in which radio waves for wireless communication are also applied to sensing.